Saturday, 24 December 2011

Best Wishes To You

I wish you all a merry christmas and a peaceful new year. Thank you so much for brighten up my days with your comments and just for being out there.

I´ll share a whole new christmas song by Kjerstin Aune, Juleønske (Christmas wish). It is in norwegian, but enjoy and know that the text is about wanting to share christmas with someone special. She has also made the video. I salute you Kjerstin.

Take care of your self and your family. If you don´t have family I really hope there are someone else in your life that gives you a hug and some love wrapped in care.


  1. Even without understanding, I can tell this is a beautiful song! I liked the sweet angel in the video. All the best to you and yours for a Happy Holiday!

  2. Merry Christmas Lone ;o) Big Hugs ;o) What a beautiful song! The angel is so adorable ;o) Much love to you and your family and friends ;o)

  3. Åh, det var en sød julesang. Håber du havde en dejlig aften. Sidder nu i min sofa med en rest Ris a l´Amande og computeren på skødet. Skønt! Hav en dejlig første juledag.
    Knus Dorte

  4. Thank you Debbie - me too, that angel look so kind!!

    Thank you Nina Lise!!

    Thank you Stacy - a big christmas hug to you dear!!

    Tak Dorte, håber du bliver siddende i den stilling resten af dagen og nyder freden!! Juleknus fra Lone


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