Thursday, 21 February 2013

Outside The Box

Bright colors and contrast will be my first design.
I am always fascinated when I meet people living outside the box. They are rare to come by, but they exist and are colorful meetings in life. Nothing inspire me more. So what do we mean with living outside the box? I guess it is about being oneself and thinking that is good enough. And not being scared of what others may think.

People seem to be so afraid of being themselves, and not good enough, that they chose to live inside narrow boxes. Transferred to knitting - choosing colors that everyone else does and what is considered right. That would be grey, black, beige, brown and white. I am so done with that period of my knitting. Colors give me wind under my wings.

I am babbling again. This is really about me working on a new design I intend to publish. It is so scaring to do that. It is like putting a little bit of myself out there and give up the control. I create with a part of my self - and it sort of gets personal. I am terrified and happy at the same time. And so excited. I never thought I could create a pattern - it is not complicated. Just a little bit of me and living outside the box.

If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing
Marc Chagall


  1. All the colors on your blog, makes me sososo happy :) When I go to buy yarn, I tend to end up with the same colors always, but Im trying to get better :)

    Have a nice day :)

  2. Fantastiske fine fsrger.Friskt og fint.Fin dag til deg.

  3. Ja den boksen ja... Jeg liker ikke så veldig godt de ordinære basisfarver, sjelden jeg bruker de egentlig. Men rosa, lilla, burgunder, pene blåfarver sammen, ja det er nok mere meg. Samtidig er jeg jo glad i svart, hvit og brunt. Kan bruke skarpe og klare farver som kontraster, men holder meg unna basisene.

    Super torsdag til deg, snart er det helg igjen :) Klem!

    1. Åh ja, vi kunne snakket mye om det ja!!!! God helg til deg også fra sør!!

  4. Hvor har du ret, jeg vil glæde mig til at se hvad du finder på, jeg har lige lavet en cardigan uden opskrift, det tror jeg ikke lige jeg gør igen, har det nu bedst med en opskrift at kigge efter

    1. Åh, så godt at du glæder dig!!! Ja, uden opskrift er det jo lidt mere arbejde. Men man bliver jo lidt stolt når det går godt også!!!!

  5. I am curious about your pattern! I think it will be beautiful. (I believe in you). You always make things that are beautiful.
    Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much for believing in me - that means a lot!!!!

  6. You weren't babbling at all! I can't agree with you more than I do. How exciting to work on your first pattern to be published. And I know it's a bit scary to. I have that feeling with every new pattern (not that I made so many), and the funny thing is that I never know how a pattern will be received. It happens that a pattern I'm very excited about, hardly gets any comments, or doesn't get bought, and a pattern I think is quite simple or not that different, is very well received. Good luck on your pattern-writing!!

    1. Thank you so much - good to know that you also have the same experience!!!!

  7. It is hard to think outside the box sometimes with the feeling that "everything has been done before". I know how exciting it will be when your first pattern is published, especially when I know it will be very well received. I think the bright colors that are so different from what everyone else uses is what attracts me to your blog of beautiful knitting and polymer clay creations!

  8. Så spennende!! Gleder meg til å se hva du lager! Du er så flink med farger- så dette prosjektet har jeg STOR tro på!! Ha ei fin og fargerik uke! :-)

    1. Tusen takk Britt!!! Wow - nå må jeg bare strikke som en gal.... He he!!

  9. I am so happy for you, designing a new pattern to be published! Yepee! I think it's great to be outside of the box! When you were talking about beige, brown, black and white, it made me laugh. My mom and I are so sick of "beige" houses! Everyone says, if you want to sell your house, have it in beige. Yuck! That is not a home, it is a house! Our home is in greens, purples, yellows, blues. Ok, it is crazy, but it is alive and full of life ;o) If we ever do sell, the next person can change it! I love the quote at the end! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thank you ever so much Stacy!!! I would looove to see that house of yours!!! I know - here it is all white houses.....

  10. Wonderful!
    At last, you have the courage to jump out of your designer closet.
    For me, you have been a designer for a long time.
    You design with colors. Your own colorcombinations.
    I can always see if a project is yours. I see it in the colors.
    And I love it!
    I'm looking forward to see, what comes out of the closet ;-)

    1. Oh Ann, thank you so much. I am so surprised to hear that. It takes a lot of courage - but I simply have to do it now!!!

  11. Ååååå...du har så rett. Jeg er helt enig med deg.
    Jeg er også en av dem som elsker masse farger, ja, som er uttafor boksen.
    Noen ganger må jeg stoppe meg selv, så det ikke blir TIVOLI...du vet, altfor mange farger på en gang, slik at det ser litt "Harry" ut. Men shit au, ingen har vel vondt av litt farger.
    Desverre strikker jeg nå i beige, men det er IKKE til meg, men til datteren, som ikke har den samme fargescalaen som meg.
    HERLIGE farger du har foran boksen. Blir spennende å se hva de blir forvandlet til, av din hånd.

    1. Tivoli? he he, den var god. Sånn føler jeg det også av og til!!! Men det er jo gøy på tivoli og man blir alltid overrasket!!! Vi har bare godt av farger - helt klart!!

  12. Go for it; putting a little of yourself into your work is the difference between creating something and making something. I do understand though, but I can assure you that it gets easier for every time you publish something - and no matter what you do - some people will love it and some not so much and that's ok. I am looking forward to see your pattern!!

    1. Thank you so much Nina Lise!! That is a great comfort to know from someone who have even written a (lovely) book!!!!

  13. Årh, det ser spændende ud. Det vil jeg glæde mig til. Hvor kan du have det færdigt tror du:-)
    Knus Dorte

  14. I can't wait to see what you come up with.. your designs are so great already:) "Yeah you" to step out of the box!

  15. Jeg tenkte på Per Fugeli når du skrev det med å ha mot til å være seg selv. Han sa på "Lindmo" i går at folk som har vært eller er alvorlig syke ofte er mye modigere, og mer seg selv.
    De færreste av oss har kanskje mot til det før vi forstår at det egentlig ikke er så farlig?
    Selv så hadde jeg et møte med sykdom for ca 10 år siden som gjorde meg mye mer ydmyk, men også klar over at det egentlig er tullete å gå rundt å bekymre seg for mye om hva andre kan synes om en. (ok, ikke helt ute av boksen ennå, men jobber med saken). Kanskje nettopp fordi i morgen kan det være slutt, fryktelig dumt å da ha brukt livet på å please andre man ikke kan kontrollere fremfor å ha tatt vare på seg selv.

  16. O, really? I wish you a lot of success, creating designs is really exciting! I am sure yours will be wonderfull, you are an inspiration to lots of people with your great colourfull designs. I think (no, actually I am sure about it) the world is more then ready for your colours and happiness!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement!!!!! I hope so!!!


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