Friday, 5 April 2013

Leaves, Love And Leftie

Some tomatoes become ketchup. But mine became some tiny leaves on my latest scarf or shawlette. And where did those tomatoes come from? The color of the red orange yarn is actually called tomato. 

I am pleased with most of my projects but this is one of the best so far.

I can not say how pleased I am with the colors and the yarn. And that I knitted this with 2mm needles. A nice tight knit.

I must say I got a little tired of all the spit splicing - but it was so worth it. Maybe my cats food, hair ball control, would be advisable? LOL!!!

I would have had 86 ends to weave in if I have not taken the time to do that.

I only had two - one in each end. And ends tends to lose up over time. So I do not have to worry about that.

I had to get lace needles as there are a lot of wraps and turns with two wraps on the stitches when knitting the leaves. And the lace needle made the leaf knitting so much easier.

The design is great but I found it a bit unfinished on the bind off end. So I found a nice leaf and knitted two together in the round. I used a glass bead and sew it on my leftie.

And there it was - just as I wanted my leftie. The designer Martina Behm is so talented. A lof of knitting design in Norway is very traditional and the same all over again. Creative knitting is often missing - but with Ravelry a whole new world is open. Knitting never gets boring with Ravelry. Leftie is an example on that.

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. 
The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have
Louis E. Boone

The Stitch Story
Yarn: Madelinetosh Merino Light
Needles: 2mm
Other Materials: Knitted Leaf, Glass Bead
Pattern: Leftie
My Ravelry Page: Love And Tomatoes


  1. You forgot lovely! It is beautiful!

  2. Åj så flott sjal, og farvene var jo digge sammen! Prikken over Ien med stripene og bladet i enden! Skjønner ikke helt hvordan du klarer å strikke så mye og så fort!

    Håper du har hatt en herlig påske! Jeg har vært syk med lungebetennelse i 2 uker nå, heldigvis er jeg på bedringens vei nå. Får ta påsken senere :)

    Ha ei flott og kreativ helg!
    Klem fra nord :)

    1. Tusen takk Desirée!!! Godt du er trygt hjemme fra det store utland!!! Og riktig god bedring!!!

  3. Just stunning as is all your work! Have a beautiful weekend! Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much Debbie. Wish you a lovely weekend too with a big hug!!!

  4. Friskt og vakkert! Og det ekstra løven er absolutt prikken over i-en.
    Hvor har du kjøpt Madelintosh-garnet? Har prøvd dette garnet en gang for lenge siden, og vil gjerne ha mer.
    Ha en riktig fin vårhelg!

    1. Tusen takk Anne!! er helt topp for det garnet!!!

  5. This is so pretty! I love the leaf!!! The quote is very moving! Big Hugs Lone ;o)

    1. Thank you so much Stacy. I love that quote too!!! Hugs to you!!!!!!

  6. Fargene var som vanlig helt herlige. Hadde spesielt sansen for fargen "tomat", som ser ut som en varm oransje på bildene. Detaljen med løvet på enden var prikken over i-en. Forstår godt at dette er blant favorittene. :)

    1. Tusen takk Helle - ja, den tomaten er helt fantastisk!!!

  7. Supersød detalje med det enkelte blad :)

  8. Kjempeflott sjal!! Fargekombinasjoner- det kan du- lekkert!! Du er bare så utrolig rask og flink med strikkepinnene! :-)

    1. Tusen takk Britt!!! Skulle gjerne strikket mye fortere så alle prosjektene kunne bli ferdige... He he!!

  9. it is gorguous ! You will shine in the streets when you wear it. I too love Martina Behm's projects, I made her hitchhiker with matching mitts. And I will start the leftie too.....

    1. Oh thank you so much Rozemie!!! Martina is a fantastic designer!!! Looking forward to see your Leftie!!

  10. Kjemplekkert, altså!!!
    Er det blå garnet håndfarget? Det var så fint spill i det, da du viser det utstrakt. Knallfint med tomatfargede blad til, og prikken over ièn er den lille perlen. Du lager bare lekre ting, du.

  11. It's so beatiful! Love the colours!

  12. How beautiful and what a fantastic idea with the single leaf! Spot on.


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