Sunday, 4 August 2013

Shawl Of Hearts

My very first lace project is finished. I cannot describe how happy I am having done this. And the outcome is overwhelming to me. Before blocking it looked ok.

But after blocking - well, it is a mystery what some blocking wires, pins and hours of crawling around the floor can do.

I must admit I had to redo the blocking. It was not that easy being first time and all.

My knitting friends helped me - and I am so thankful to them.

I actually could not have done this without them. Advice, cheering and help all the way.

Knitting after chart was essential. I could never have knitted this if I should read line after line with instructions.

It was a bit terrifying at first - but after a couple of rounds it was perfect. Especially when I knitted something wrong...

The only thing that was difficult was to find out about the size as it is knitted from the top and down.

I had 560st on my needle before binding off. It is huge - but it is going to be fantastic wearing during winter. Just wrapping myself in a lot of hearts and a rainbow.

When you have a rainbow deep down in your heart, your smile will shine bright. You know you are a part of that colorful, magical feeling you´ll find, when you have a rainbow inside.

The Stitch Story
Yarn: Kauni Effektgarn
Needle: 3mm
Size: 224 x 117cm
My Ravelry Page: I ♥ You
Pattern: Karin Lace Shawl


  1. WOW, dein erstes Lace Projekt?! Es ist wunder-, wunderschön!!! Es macht mir Mut, es auch zu probieren.
    LG von Heike

    1. Thank you Heike - hope you start. It is so satisfying and fun!!!

  2. For et nydelig ov vanvittig flott sjal du har strikket. Litt av en jobb, det der.
    Og er jo bare å bli glad av.
    Gi deg selv en klapp på skulderen for bra jobb.
    Av meg skal du få en klem.

  3. Great job!,s BEAUTIFUL!!!

  4. Fantastic! I'm currently making myself a hitchhiker in rainbow colored yarn, but it looks positively boring next to this!!

    1. Thank you so much Emma. I have made one in rainbow color too - and you are going to love yours!!!

  5. Amazing, you're the rainbow child of knitting :)
    (1980's song, Rainbow Child by Dan Reed Network)

    1. Oh, thank you so much!!! What could be better than that!!

  6. Absolutely stunning!!!! You will brighten up those dark winter days with this rainbow project.

  7. For et fantastisk flott sjal du har strikket, rett og slett vakkert -både farger og mønster! Skjønner ikke hvordan du får til å "holde tråden" i slikt et mønster...imponerende, Lone! :-)

    1. Tusen takk Britt!!! Et godt mønster å bruke - da går alt!!!!

  8. It's perfect!! You are the master of shawls!!

  9. That is truly a masterpiece! When I saw the last photo, it reminded me of wing...beautiful rainbow wings. It really suits you, Lone, and I know you will enjoy it.

  10. Beautiful lace shawl. Did you knit with Kauni effektgarn lace ?

    1. Thank you so much Margriet!! I used the ordinary effektgarn - not the lace one.

  11. Veldig stort og veldig fint! Og hva er vel finere enn et hjertesjal i disse herlige fargene!! Men måtte ha vært litt av en jobb å blokke ja :-)

  12. I don't know what to say? A masterpiece! Gorgeous! Breath taking! Lone, I know you will treasure this piece! Truly beautiful! Truly happy! Love the hearts and the color! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Oh, you said it all Stacy!!! Thank you so much. Big hugs to you too!!

  13. Vakkert! Og deilig med alle fargene og hjertene, et sjal til å bli glad av og glad i!

  14. Dette ble jo bare vakkert! Hjertemønsteret var virkelig nydelig, spennende ble det da med alle fargesjatteringene i sjalet.

  15. Fantastisk job og så flott et resultat :-) Her fikk jeg inspirasjon og stor lyst at strikke et selv, tak!!!

    1. Hjertelig takk Pia!!!!! Bare hiv deg ut i det - det er så gøy!!!!


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