Friday, 16 January 2015

Consider It A Basket Case

A basket case - with a lot of fiber content.
Surprise surprise!! The garter maniac is back with her fixation on rainbows. This rather sounds like some sort of illness. If knitting a lot of garter shawl is an illness, that is. A doctor would probably give me some pill - but I prefer fiber. It keeps the system going all year. And the brain. If the fiber comes in a woolly form I might add.

So what is this all about? It is about Kauni rainbow yarn and my beloved mohair. I do have other things on my needles. And a cardigan is about to be started. I have the yarn ready I just need to get a grip - around the needles.

Another garter shawl is about to get started. I love Kauni yarn and that rainbow they have is amazing. After all, I would not have knitted my wedding shawl in it if it wasn't...

I thought about using only one color mohair but that would have muted a lot of the colors. So I have this stash of mohair yarn and had a quick look. Only yellow was missing. That was no problem since my LYS had it.

So here we are. Rainbow it is. Garter it is.

 It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow he didn't consult a 
decorator or he would still be picking the colors
Sam Levenson
Kauni effektgarn EQ and various mohair yarn.


  1. God morgen
    Deilig å bla opp i bloggen og se alle disse nydelige fargene fra din link.
    Ja, dette var en regnbue med farger. Helt herlig.
    Det jeg strikker på nå er ikke så fargerikt, så det er godt å komme på jobb og se alle garnhyllene med farger. Dessuten er det en forkjølelse på vei, som jeg prøver å stagge........ Hjelper ikke akurat med dette ruskeværet. Godt jeg har varme plagg i skapet å kle meg i.
    Så er det helg igjen...........god helg.

    1. Tusen takk Sylvia!!! Håper du står forkjølelsen over. Dette været er virkelig ruskete!!! God helg og hold deg varm!!

  2. What a wonderful colorful world you create in your blog - it is so uplifting and inspiring! Thank you and have a great knitting year and best wishes from Austria

    1. Thank you so much Knitgudi!! Wish you all the best for 2015!!!

  3. Ret-strik... det har jeg da ikke hørt om før???? Overspringshandlinger eller pausestrik? ;-)
    Jeg glæder mig til at se samspillet i dit garn... Det må da give endnu mere intensitet.
    Dejlig regnbue til dagens grå himmel... Så fik vi lige en byge igen!

    1. Nej, det har jeg heller ikke... Overspring og pause... Det er ikke altid let at vide forskællen... Her vælter det ind med byger, hagl, regn og vind. Men jeg er så glad for at vi ikke får sne!!!

  4. How beautiful!
    I think I would leave it in the bowl for a couple of days just for the joy of looking at it.
    That alone would already fill my heart with gladness!
    Wishing you lots of joy knitting it up

    1. Thank you so much Lonneke. I know - I had the same thought. Just like a fruit bowl!!!

  5. Ooo, those colours... yummie :-). I can't wear mohair though, much too prickly for me. I'll just have to enjoy your photo's!

    1. Thank you so much Ellen!!! Too bad - hope you can wear something else that is soft and light!!!

  6. What is beautiful in the bowl will be even more beautiful when it comes off your needles!

    I'm starting my Mango Moon scarf with the pattern you suggested but am having some difficulty with the yarn breaking....I'm going to try a larger needle and try to knit looser. I'll show it on my blog soon.

    1. Thank you so much Debbie!!! Looking forward to see - so bad that the yarn is breaking!!! So sorry for that!!!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this rainbow basket with us.
    I am fascinated by these colors. Had to come back to your side for a second and third look on them. Now I am really curious what you will create with these colors.

    1. Thank yo so much!!! This is going to be a shawl hopefully :-)

  8. Oh, it looks wonderful! I'm sure you'll be really happy with the shawl :)

  9. Den ser altså så cool ud, den kurv der. Det glæder jeg mig til at se færdigt.
    Kan du have en dejlig weekend!
    Knus Dorte

    1. Tak Dorte!! Ja, det bliver jo ret farverigt... Håber du har haft en god weekend!! Knus fra mig

  10. Gorgeous colours my friend ;o) I can't wait! Hugs ;o)


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