Sunday, 7 June 2015

I Am Clasp Free

So much better with buttons. 
They look so nice when I stand still and stay that way. Since I find that hard, especially when the only purpose is to have a nice looking jacket, I found the pewter clasps so annoying that I had to remove them.
One front edge and the neck line was cut off and knitted again with button holes.
Now, this is the third time I knit edges for this jacket. After knitting, sewing and adding clasps the first time I realized that I had picked up too many stitches so it all had to come off. It worked fine knitting them again - and I was pleased with them.

Only to find that I never used my jacket. Cloak clasps looks so lovely but they never ever stay closed no matter how many times I squeeze them. I addition the jacket is not properly closed and the front bulge too. The front is still open and cold wind and weather blows right through it.

Clasps are out - buttons are in.
So, the only thing I could do was to cut the neckline and one edge off, again. I did actually think of a zipper that opens both ways.

But I do not sew well and I have seen a lot of knitted jackets with bulging zippers.

Sewing button holes with a sewing machine would be risky business.

It is important though, to consider solutions that demands the least of effort. LOL!

I must say that I had to use all I got to persuade myself to knit 11 button holes - on both sides of the edge.

Not fun at all. But now I can use my jacket and have the comfort buttons give. No draft, bulging or heavy clasps dangling when I move.

Sometimes it is best to take a step back, find a new solution, and just keep knitting. Or something like that.
My Gismo loves company outside.


  1. Hurra for at du gjorde det, selv om det er mye jobb, det er så trist for jakker at de ikke blir brukt.

    1. Tusen takk Merete - jeg angrer ikke ett sekund. Jakken min er blitt glad :-)

  2. Så flink du er!! Det ville jo vært trasig at denne flotte jakken ikke ble brukt!

  3. Velkommen til til klubben "Redesign"! Hellere lave om end lægge på hylde...
    Jeg har set en smart måde at mærke en lynlås op til montering på strik...
    Jeg fik også strikke alt for mange masker i mit første forsøg på knapkant! Tager nu 3 masker pr 4 pinde. Og jeg har strikket knapkanten med dobbelt tråd/supersoft for ellers bliver den alt for blød og "slatten". Du har strikket en bortkant/ombuk... nogen tips til nemme knaphuller???

    1. Så fandt jeg den, jeg først tænkte på-....

    2. Tak Anne - den klub er godt nok dejlig at være i... Når man er færdig... Ja, jeg har set den med lynlås før, men der er så mange strikkejakker med lynlås der buler. Og andre jakker også for den sags skyld. Med lynlås der åbnes i begge ender er der jo håb. Men jeg faldt ned på at knapper er versatilt og pænest. Jeg lavede one row buttonholes fra denne video:
      Ret smart, men hullerne bliver lidt strammere med den metode. Men den fungerer godt faktisk. Men nemme knappehuller - tja, de er noget møg at strikke ligemeget hvad. Men det går jo hurtigt når man først kommer igang. Men alt sammen på én omgang er ret dejligt :-)

  4. Å, jakken din er så nydelig Lone. Elsker mønsteret, elsker fargene.
    Synd den ikke ble brukt, men det gjorde du noe med..heldigvis.
    Det er synd at avslutningen på et flott strikketøy kan ødelegge for bruken. En knappestolpe er ikke alltid like lette få kontroll over heller.
    Jeg er fremdeles syk, nå med bihulebetennelse, så jeg er sengeliggende og får ikke strikket. Jeg klarer heller ikke å være borte fra jobben en dag, så det tar bare litt lengere tid å bli frisk.

    1. Tusen takk Sylvia!!! Nei, knappestolte er pyton å strikke, men så verdt det etterpå. Du får ha god bedring!!

  5. What a beautiful sweater. Your color choices are stunning!

  6. are you doing the same with the Cats and Dots jacket?
    You must have lots and lots of patience...fantastic!!!
    I love those jackets...(and almost everything you knitt)


    1. Thank you so much berber!! I have been thinking about that - I have not decided. That jacket is smaller and could be too small with buttons. I have to check it out - but I never use that either because of the clasps...

  7. Your work is always so fantastic and you have such a patience!
    Good to know that I should never add clasps, but stick to buttons.
    Take care!

    1. Thank you so much Klaine!!! I think buttons are more versatile and keep the jacket closed if you want to.

  8. It took a lot of courage to put scissors to that gorgeous sweater, and patience to knit all those button holes---but the end result is so worth it since you will enjoy wearing the jacket now! Great fix!

  9. What a beautiful sweater. Your color choices are stunning!
    and hug the lovely cat.
    Have a nice day

  10. Den har godt nok været ikke så lidt igennem, den jakke!! Det er blevet rigtigt pænt. Nu håber jeg at den får lov til at komme ud at lufte sig, den pææne jakke;)
    Knus Dorte

  11. Fantastisk... deilig jakken... super fargerkombinasjon.
    Ha en riktig god helg. Hilsen fra Viola

  12. Gorgeous! Give Gismo a hug for me ;o)


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