Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Always Secondary

They are always in the shadow of the primaries. No matter what they do, they will never be standing next to the ones on the top. The primaries are simply more unique, and they are necessary for the secondaries to have life.

Yes, we are talking about the color wheel. The primaries (red, yellow and blue) are the root to every other color. They are the purest of colors. They rule the kingdom.

So, I thought I would give a little attention to those hidden secondaries. The forgotten, and still so important, bright and lovely colors.

Green and orange together.
When you use a triangle in the color wheel you will get three colors. You can read more about that here.

In this case I have picked out orange, purple and green for my project.

I have knitted with orange and green with great success before as you can see on the photo.

Two colors that not normally would have joined and created harmony.

And color harmony is the thing here. If you use secondary colors for a project you will get harmony in your color use. The color wheel is in fact the best tool ever for color inspiration and harmonisation of colors.

I cannot wait until my striping in purple and orange is done. I think my green yarn will make a lot of difference when it is added. I am knitting a new scarf from my recently published design, Colorize.

So, how to you use colors? Do you choose for comfort or do you try out different ones? Or is color just too complicated?

Turn your face to the sun and the shadow will fall behind you
First i stripe knit in orange and purple. Then I add the green.


  1. Jeg elsker farver, men prøver meget at tage udgangspunkt i hvilke farver, der klæder mig eller den person, der skal have det jeg strikker. Du ved jo fra min blog, at jeg ofte falder for blå i alle afskygninger :-) Jeg elsker at få lov til at strikke til nogle, der bruger helt andre farver end mig selv, så det er nok i de tilfælde, der bliver eksperimenteret mest. Men jeg har lovet mig selv, at jeg skal prøve at lave et rigtigt farverigt tørklæde inden året er omme og det kunne meget vel blive et af dine fine designs :-) Ha en dejlig aften - snart er du kommet til den grønne :-)

  2. Tusind tak Lene. Ja, du er rigtig god med de blå toner, og til at sætte farver sammen. Jeg glæder mig meget til dit farverige prosjekt. Det er en ære om du strikker et af mine :-)

  3. Nyyyydelig, Lone! Ha et herlig nytt strikkeår! Klem fra meg!

  4. Beautiful work, love your bright colors!!

    Laura xo

  5. Really interesting Lone! I always love your colour combinations! I don't know how I pick my colours? LOL! I guess I just pick whatever I feel? Big Hugs!


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