Tuesday, 13 March 2012

In The Cable Light

Nothing is so lovely as a candle light a late night. This time it is cable light - cabled knitting fitted to a jar.

An easy and quick knit and it make such a great effect when there is light in the jar.

The grey one is a gift for a friend. And I really hope she will like it.

The pattern is very easy and well explained.

You can fit one cover to almost any jar you have  - or a nice one you buy for a gift.

I am going to knit more of these. I really enjoyed the fact that knitting can be so decorative.

There is a idiom that say "See the light in the tunnel". Well, in my world it is "See the light trough the stitches"

I wish you a day in the light!!!

The Stitch Story
Yarn: Rauma Mitu
Needles: 4mm
Size: To fit a jar
PatternRecycled Glass Jar Covers (free)
Other materials: Any jar of choice (these are storage jars from Bodum)
Ravelry linkCable Light


  1. De ble knallfine!! Har lastet ned mønsteret nå, og det blir sikkert noen slike med tiden! De kan jo brukes på tennbrikettboksen også :)

    Ha en flott tirsdag!

    Klem fra Desirée

    1. Tusen takk Desiree!! Så gøy at du også skal prøve å strikke dem!!! Passer til alt!! Ha en flott dag du også!!

  2. It looks lovely, but I just saw your labels, and they are perfect!

    1. Thank you Olga - and I am happy you noticed my labels. It is so much fun to make handmade marked!!

  3. Beautiful and unique look to these candle jars! I noticed your labels right away, too!

  4. Very lovely and beautiful! Soft light indeed

    1. Thank you Karen - one can just look at it for hours... LOL!!

  5. Kjempeflott - og en flott gaveide!

  6. WOW!!!!!! You always amaze me Lone! These are stunning!!! I love your little labels too ;o)
    Your giveaway win was mailed out on monday ;o) Hugs ;o)

    1. Thank you dear Stacy!!!! I am so excited about the giveaway - I will let you know when it arrives!! Thank you my friend!!

  7. Åååh, så deilig å lunt lys :)
    Mon tro om jeg kan strikke sånne i regnbuens farger.... konfirmasjon til våren.... OG: hvis vi får være ute, ville sånne lykter vært supre:)
    Og tema er regnbue!:)

    Men du? Glasset blir ikke veldig varmt, vel?

    Marit- klemM

    1. Takk Marit - høres veldig gøy ut i regnbuefarger!!! Glasset blir ikke mer varmt enn andre lysestaker med telys. Mange bruker gamle glasskrukker fra syltetøy og annet. Og de er jo mye tykkere. Tror det skal gå bra!! Lykke til - håper du legger dem ut når du er ferdig!!

  8. Lucky friend!! These are beautiful and your labels are too!

    1. Thank you Pippa - it is really nice to have labels. Never thought I would like it so much....

  9. Hi! Nice knitting. I also made cabled knitting around jars. Com and check them out!


  10. Thank you Lotte - yours are very beautiful!!!

  11. these are just beautiful! the light that glows through them has such an earthy effect...

  12. Replies
    1. Tusen takk Anne - nå er det bare å sette i gang...!!

  13. Nydelig lys gjennom flettene. Disse må på gjørelista til høsten igjen. Nå glemmer jeg å tenne lys, siden det er lyst ute. :)

    1. Tusen takk Vibeke!! Kanskje noe å ha på bordet ute til sommeren - når strikkingen begynner for deg!!

  14. i think of how sunlight passes through forests --- i know this is a far-fetched comparison but the execution has an earthy feel to it. filtering the light, softening it, making the spark mellow and contained: it is light communicated with whim and metrical poesies. i applaud your creativity!

    1. Thank you so much Perrine!!! What a lovely comment. I really loved your thoughts about my cable light. I will think of that when the light comes through them!!


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