Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Show Your Rainbow

We are having a rainbow month right now. You can read more about that here. Like rainbows in nature all rainbows created in some kind of craft should be out in the open for everyone to see.

So let us give blog land a huge makeover: Take those rainbows out and show them to the world. Let us all join in this wonderful adventure of the thought that every human being has the same right to be here as we have. 

And no one is less or more important than we are. We were all meant to shine. And what could be better than to shine like a rainbow.

I made some mosaics from my knitted rainbows. How fun it is to see it all together and to have that playful feeling inside knowing I created something just as I wanted it to be.

The true worth of a man is not to be found in the man himself,
 but in the colors and texture that come alive in others
Albert Schweitzer


  1. Mye lekker inspirasjon! Du er flink med farger:D

  2. Wow! Love all your rainbow-colored projects! And I love the thought behind this post.
    Makes me wanna start a rainbow knit, I have none!
    But I love colors so there must be something I made that qualifies....

  3. I especially love that scarf in reddish orange and turquoise blue, next to the rainbow sweater. Is that knitted in the free pattern I see on your side bar? I could really go for making myself one like that.

    Also I must tell you I received the blue bird I won in your give away! It has migrated safely to the NW coast of the United States now and will live safe here forever more. I love it! Thank you so much for your generous gift!

    1. Thank you so much Jan. And I am happy the bird arrived safely!!! The scarf is the hitchhiker and you can find the pattern here:

  4. Gorgeous post Lone! I love what you said! Very heart warming!
    I can't wait to do my "Grow Strong" post ;o)
    Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thank you so much Stacy!!! I can not wait either!!!!! Hugs!!

  5. Så mange flotte "regnbuer" du har laget!
    Veldig godt og sant det du skriver .
    Ha en strålende og fargerik dag:)

  6. Du trenger ikke melde deg inn i en kal for å strikke i regnbuens farger. Du gjør det jo alltid, uansett. Deter fantastiske plagg du strikker.
    Ha en fargerik dag. Klem

  7. Nydelige plagg i regnbuens farger! Og så flott innlegg, både i tekst og bilder!! Takk! :-)

  8. Hey Lone ;o) Glad you like my blog post ;o) If you want to enter the giveaway, I don't mind ;o) My other bloggy friend, Loraine, has been trying to follow you? I don't know why she can't? This is one of her blogs,
    Maybe you can e-mail her? And, ask what is going on?
    Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Yes, I loved it so much!!! I did not find any email to her. I think it may be because of google plus. That is making a lot of trouble. I do not want to be there... She might at my blog address in feedly - that should work!!!

    2. Thanks Lone ;o) I have written to Lorraine, to come by and leave a comment. Hope she does ;o) I see some other people have came by, excellent ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  9. Ingen tvil om at regnbuen lever i beste velgående hos deg i alle fall. :)

    Skuespilleren Stellan Skarsgaard fortalte at hans far hadde fortalt ham: Stellan, du er ikke mer verdt enn noe annet menneske på denne jord. Men det er heller ikke noe annet menneske på denne jord som er mer verdt enn deg.

    1. Nei, jeg kan ikke nekte for det Helle :-) Godt sitat fra Skarsgaard!!

  10. Lone, I have become a new follower of your wonderful blog. I am a friend and follower of Stacy's blog MagicLoveCrow and she posted about the lovely bird that she received from you.

    This was a beautiful post and so uplifting. Your lovely items truly lifted my spirits on this cold and icy winter's day. I will be stopping by again...often.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

    1. Hi Jan, and a very welcome to you!! I am glad you found me!!!! Hope you keep warm!!!

  11. Just came via my buddy Stacy's post and LOVE your beautiful work, the colours make me smile, and love the idea of wearing a rainbow :)

  12. WOOOW så mye lekkert. Du er bare helt rå med farger. Dette var et veldig inspirerende innlegg. Ble skikkelig glad av å se alle de flotte fargene.

    1. Tusen takk Hanne!!!! Så herlig at fargene gir glede!!!

  13. Åh, herlig! Likte så godt de stripene du laget i Kauni-hitchhikeren og vottene, det ble knallstilig.

    1. Tusen takk - ja, det er så gøy når en kan bryte litt opp i fargeflyten :-)


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