Thursday, 4 May 2017

I Really Love It

Sometimes there are color combinations that simply is better than best. These three darlings are that kind. One of them, if you see it in a yarn store, does not look good at all. I have never liked it actually.

But put together with a green and a magenta - it simply shines.

I have no idea what that color is called - it may be green. But it also looks a little green with turqouise.

Just like in life - you may feel like an outsider. But together with the right people you shine.

Never go for second best - always go for the colors you like in both knitting and life.

Enough of that. The scarf is knitted from my latest design Colorize.

It is of course my favorite yarn, Rauma finull again.

As long as there are over 100 colors to choose from I simply have enough to feed my inspiration.

Well, I have knitted four scarves from my pattern. I have knitted myself out of color combinations I would like to try out. At least for the time being. How can I go wrong with stripes, colors and rings?

It is better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction
Diane Grant


  1. A stunning scarf, well done! Kind greetings Conny

  2. Fantastisk... super fargene... deilig sjalet... så søt med strippe og farger passer perfekt. God søndag. Kos deg.
    Jeg er så god humor :-))) God-humor-hilsen til deg.

  3. Det er en perfekt farvekombination. Rigtig flot. Elsker de friske farver.

  4. I love it too Lone and I really love your words!!! You always uplift me and make me smile! Big Hugs!

  5. Åh det er simpelthen så flot - de er så gode sammen de farver og dig ☺ jeg elsker garnlinier, hvor der er rigtigt mange farver at vælge imellem så man rigtigt kan nørde med nuancerne - det er så fedt ☺ til gengæld gider jeg ikke handle i garnbutikker, der kun tager enkelte farver hjem! Sådan er der så meget. Ha en rigtig dejlig aften ☺

    1. Tusind tak, Lene :-) Ja, jeg er helt enig. Det er så irriterende med garnbutikker som kun har nogle få farver. I Norge er det altid gråt og gråt....


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