Tuesday, 30 March 2021

A Star Is Born

A raglan sweater is on my needles. One sleeve is half done.
A Norwegian quote by Henrik Wergeland tells us not to complain about missing spots of light under the stars. It may apply to life right now. 

Some do not see any light - everything is fear, darknes, loneliness and hopelessness. It is hard to see any tiny spots of light when the rest of the world seems dark. 

But if we allow the darkness to consume us, we put on the darkest of glasses.

I love Easter. It is a celebration and also a time to pray and give thanks. Giving thanks for those tiny or big spots of light I can find every single day.

The Horisont scarf is a spot of light.
I addition I knit as much as I can. It is not much - but who cares? I do what I manage and that is more than enough. 

And of course I eat as much marzipan eggs possible without having to buy a new wardrobe. LOL!

Right now I am knitting a sweater. It is a highly modified pattern in which I have added a stranded pattern. 

I am very excited to think that I maybe are wearing it this year. At least it is finished before the next winter. 

In between I knit a scarf in garter stitch that is really easy and not that hard on my shoulders and hands. 

That is another spot of light. Just as hearing the birds, seeing nature coming to life and see the love in other peoples eyes. 

Anyway, the scarf is called Horisont and I use Kauni in rainbow color in addition to a feather light mohair in turquoise. 

I wish you spots of light. I wish you a happy Easter. I wish you marzipan eggs. May you be blessed.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite of all the darknes
Desmond Tutu


  1. Your post is a spot of light! Your knit work is alwasy a feast for the eyes. Happy and Blessed Easter!

  2. Ohhh ... ja, kjære Lone, vi må alle ha en god og velsignet påske.
    Genseren din vil være fantastisk ... jeg har også et prosjekt i ferd
    med å vare evig :-)) Jeg er fornøyd med det... og så syr jeg mye og er ute
    i naturen og det beste er at familien kan møtes til påske.
    Alle gode ønsker for deg. God påske. Klem Viola

    1. Tusen takk fine Viola💕 Godt jeg ikke er alene om å bruke lang tid. Nyt dagene med familien. Gode ønsker til deg også🌸💕🐣

  3. What a light-filled post. Just lovely. Blessed Easter to you (and I'll be enjoying chocolate eggs here).

    1. Thank you so much dear Lorrie💛 A blessed Easter to you too. Enjoy those eggs🐣💕

  4. Many Blessings to you Lone! I love your wise words! You are such a beautiful soul! Happy Easter! I think I ate too much chocolate! LOL! Your sweater is looking gorgeous! Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much sweetie💕 Blessings to you too dear Stacy. Glad you had some chocolate🥰 Big hugs back to you💗

  5. So nice to read your thoughts and words here ... plus a wonderful quote from Desmond Tutu.

    Your knitting is looking good, I like the colours.

    Hope you had a blessed Easter.
    Happy April wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much dear Jan🥰 Happy April and spring wishes to you too. Hugs from me💕

  6. Replies
    1. Hi my dear Stacy. How wonderful to get a greeting from you. Big hugs💕


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